Summer is upon us and for most people, it conjures feelings of joy. Is it possible to feel joy in times of difficulty and uncertainty? Some days I feel like it is a big ask. If you’re having difficulty finding joy right now, you’re not alone. In its truest expression, joy brings inward peace and contentment to one’s heart and can ease difficult times.
The element of fire rules the summer and it also rules the heart. I am grateful for the wisdom that the seasonal elements in Chinese Medicine teach. They help me understand how to bring the areas of my life into balance and perspective. When fire is in balance, it brings life to our passions, when unbalanced, it puts them out. An unbalance of fire in the body can result in a lack of joy and is usually triggered by stress and anxiety. Finding ways to calm these emotions will bring you back to a more joyful state.
Here are some simple ways I have found to lift my spirit and elevate my wellbeing and bring me joy:
Transform Your Mood
If you have been overwhelmed or over-stimulated by work, the news, or just the demands of everyday life, turn off your phone and computer and spend some time in nature. Being in nature calms the nervous system, relieving stress and anxiety to bring you back to a heart-centered space.
Social Interaction
Most experts agree that we tend to be happier when we connect with other people.
Meet a friend for lunch, have a potluck barbecue, have a night out!
The Simple Joys of Life
The simple joys of life come from acknowledging who and what is important to us. Snuggle with your dog or cat, enjoy an evening playing a fun game with friends or family, go out for ice cream, wake up early and watch the sun rise and relish the quiet stillness before the day begins.
All Roads Lead to Gratitude
Focusing on what you are grateful for has been scientifically proven to increase joy and happiness. Every night before you go to bed, think of three things you were grateful for during the day. It will improve your sleep and you will be amazed at how good you feel when you wake up.
Practice good self-care
Everyone experiences joy after a spa treatment – so grab a friend and come see us!
May we all welcome the simple joys in our life this month. Have a joyful Father’s Day!
In Wellbeing,