We have entered the final month of the elemental teachings of wood and its wisdom is guiding us to focus on the growth that has taken place over the last few months. It encourages us to welcome change and embrace hope during challenging times. Hope can be viewed as a wishful intent, or it can be grounded in the belief that whatever you are going through, it will all work out.
Do you manifest hope during times of uncertainty by putting your intention toward what you want to happen, or do you find yourself resisting the changes and the shifts that continually emerge?
It seems like I am always in transition, which can be exhausting. But, I have learned that when I accept things exactly as they are, I am better equipped to handle and flow with the changes that happen in my life. Hope gives me the trust and faith to know things are getting better and the situation I am dealing with is on its way to resolution.
We often resist things that we are not in control of. What if you could surrender the need to control? What if you could move through conflict, fear, or pain knowing that the universe always has your back? Beautiful things can happen when we let go of control. Hope helps turn our real-life dreams into reality.
Having hope has helped me realize one of my dreams. I am traveling to Spain this month with a group of friends to walk the Camino de Santiago. I have been wanting to do it for years and when the opportunity arose, I was thrilled. During this trip I am hoping to gain clarity about where the resistance is in my life that is holding me back.
I am always amazed at how beautifully this ancient Chinese philosophical approach to organizing reality plays out in my life and I hope you notice it in yours as well. It’s comforting to follow the natural intelligence of this system that supports the interdependence of all life to maintain balance and wellbeing.
I am sending all my best to the Mothers in our Five Wellbeing community for a Happy Mother’s day and hope everyone has a wonderful month of May!
In wellbeing,