It’s hard to believe we are already into March and that spring is right around the corner. This is the month we transition into the seasonal element of Wood. I can always feel the shift at this time of year because it feels like a part of me is coming back to life.

Wood represents vitality, growth, and rebirth. It encourages us to embrace change, get creative and express our truest nature. It’s the time of year when we take the wisdom we gained during the winter element of water and put it into focused action.

One of the things I realized over the last couple of months was that I have a lot of interests and intentions. But as the Wood element teaches, growth and rebirth require action and I wasn’t as focused as I wanted or knew I needed to be. I wanted to get clear about where I was going to dedicate my time and energy this spring so I could consciously bring the things that were important to me to life. Deciding what was going to serve my highest growth and make the most sense for who I am now were two important factors.

I found an interesting exercise that I wanted to share with you:

Ask yourself the question, “If I were to make the thing I was the most deeply interested in at this time in my life my top priority, what would I do differently, starting now?”

Try not to think about it, just allow the answer to arise naturally because your heart already knows the answer.

For me, the answer was my daughter.  Connecting and cultivating our relationship is what is most important to me right now. She is graduating from high school soon and I am very aware that before I know it, she will be off to college. It’s amazing how quickly she went from, ‘will you make me a snack,” to “I have this covered.” This is a pivotal time of growth and change for both of us and I intend to create a new pathway forward that is for our highest and best interests.

What is your deepest interest right now? Recognizing that we are always growing and changing, what do you want to cultivate growth around for your highest and best interest this spring? Whatever it is, remember it requires action.

A concept, a wish, or desire without action is just a good idea…

Have a great month!

In wellbeing,
